Monday, August 25, 2008

A trip to Great America!!!

I had a slide show of these pictures but all my photos in all of my slide shows disappeared so I am posting a few more pictures. Does anyone know why the photos all disappeared in my slideshows? Let me know!
Can you see Sarah, Taylor and Barbara in the roller coaster? Fun!!!
Mckay up in the car with grandpa!!!
I thought the sunlight nade this a photo moment. Precious Maren.

I'd rather explore the gardens than ride the she did!!!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Pioneer Trek

Allyson with Sister Horan
Turlock 4th ward youth that went on the Trek
Kilee Openshaw and Ally
Part of her family on the trek

Thursday through Saturday Allyson went with our stake on a pioneer trek. They hiked 16 miles and camped two nights. It was a great experience for all who attended. At this time we reflect on our pioneer heritage and all of those who led and blazed the trails of the west to establish a better life for us.


This part week Allyson and I went to the island with Sarah and her family. We had a great time. I watched the three kids while Spencer, Sarah and Ally went on the rides. It was so fun and a beautiful day.