Saturday, June 2, 2007

Ashley Graduates!!!

Here are some of AShley's dear friends. She has played voleeyball with all of them since 7th grade. (Sarah Kullbom,Lisa Wong, Ashley,Carly field,Carly Chittim(Yes, Mrs. Chittim,s daughter- Spencer and Aj's 6th grade teacher) and Mckenzie. Great friends!

Ashley is officially out of high school and on to bigger and better things! One more to go! Yeah Ally!!


LizzyP said...

Congrats Ashley!

Anjanette said...

Hooray for graduating!
And hooray to bigger & better things,too.

charlotte and clarke said...

Wahoo- well done Ashley! We are so proud of you. I wish we could have been there to scream and cheer when they said your name. We love you!

S+S said...

You are done! Now on to college you go! wOO-HOO!