Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Beautiful Baby Hannah!!!

Jared and I were able to spend 5 days together with Sarah and her family and welcome into the family our 10th grandchild. We had such a good time... it was a lot of fun and a lot of work but well worth the memory.

She is such a chunky monkey. Here she is only 3 weeks old. She sleeps alot during the day but is up till midnight. Think she has her days and nights mixed up. That is one advantage of being a grandma.... I do not have to get up for feedings. Been there, done that.
Long before Hannah arrived we were calling her baby Hannah, especially Benson, who is two years old. He is so cute with her and very proud of her. Sarah's mother-n-law is a great photographer and was able to take some pictures that I just received so I wanted to get them on my blog.They are both so adorable.

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