Sunday, March 2, 2014

Ally 's Mission Update!

Allyson entered the MTC on January 16, 2013 with a call to Colorado Springs, Colorado. It seems almost impossible that she will return home August 1. She has grown so much and we are so proud of her. She has many photos on her memory card and has only sent a handful to us so here you go!
                                  Arriving in Colorado and meeting her companion.
                                                 At the MTC in Provo , Utah.
                                                         Ally's district.
                                                Baptism in Parker, Colorado.
 First area in Parker with a threesome companionship. She will have to insert names when she gets home because I cannot remember them.

 This was last January when Ally went to the temple to receive her endowment. I have not learned how to switch photos around so these are out of order. Sorry!
                          Clarke, Sarah, Allyson and Jared and I at the temple.
 Porter, Jim, Aunt Karen, Uncle Leon, Aunt Kathy and Aunt Stephanie were able to be with us. It was a very special evening.
 Sarah helping Allyson prepare for her talk...I believe she is listening and giving tips!
                                  Early morning before she leaves for the airport
One last good bye to Ashley!
                                               At the airport! She looks a bit nervous!
            President and Sister  Anderson and the missionaries of Colorado Springs, Colorado.

       Happy 21st birthday Allyson! I am glad the members are taking care of you!

Grandpa Weiss turns 80...a trip to Virginia!

This summer I was able to go to Virginia and be with all of my brothers and sisters. It was my dad's 80th birthday party.

 One of our outings was to Mary's river home and a day of swimming and activities. This is my mom with Mr. Wilson who is Wanda's dog.
 Mary Ann giving Charlotte and three of her 5 grandsons a ride of a lifetime! LOL
                                             Mary Ann, Charlotte and me.

Me, Grandma Weiss, Casey and Mandy...very pregnant.

 My brother Paul and I... were are 10 1/2 months apart! He does not like to take pictures . I have to make him so I have a few shots with him in it but he always does it for me! I love him!
 Jeremy and Michael with their girlfriends...I forgot their names. This was the first time I met them.
 At dad"s 80th birthday party with all six children...there are always lots of laughs when all 8 of us are together! In birth order..Dad, Mom, Me,Paul, Charlotte,Dawn Eve, Mary and Billy.
 Happy Birthday dad! You are one amazing man! Thanks for all you have done for me! hope I live to be 80! Of course he is the man he is today because of you MOM!
                                     Dawn Eve, Carl, September and Madison.
                                              Madison, Me and September.
                                  Mandy and her two boys..Landon, Brody and baby # 3(Cameron)in belly!
                                            Craig, Casey, Brady and Kellen

A Girls Get Away!

This summer I had dear friends whom I met in my age away.... come and stay with me a week for a getaway. Sister Galbraith was one of my first young women's leader after I joined the church and Cheryl became my best friend and the friendship will last forever. They are great women.

                                                          Sherron, Me and Cheryl
 We went up and down the coast of California;from Monterrey to Los Angeles. This is at Pacific Heights where one can see thousands of Monarch butterflies in the spring.
             It wouldn't be a trip to Monterrey without eating on the pier at Bubba Gumps. JAred was a sport to come and drive on our Monterrey trip for the day. I drove to LA with a GPS...that saved me many times.

 I have never driven down the 17 mile drive in Pacific Heights where some of the oldest Cypress tress, seals , whales and mansions exist. It was truly spectacular!
                                                       This is a Cypress tree.

                             We went on bike rides and enjoyed the California summer days!
 The highlight of the trip was that Cheryl got tickets fro us to be on The Price is Right Show and then Let's Make a Deal down in Los Angeles. The most exciting thing happened .....Sherron was picked out of hundreds of hopefuls to be on the show and she actually won and went to the showcase. Unfortunately... she was 600 dollars off and did not take the showcase but it truly was a once in a lifetime experience.
                                         Getting ready to leave from our hotel.
                                                              Cheryl and I.
                                              Let's make a deal costumes!