Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Batter Up!!

In April Sarah called me and said that Taylor, Mckay and Maren were on the same baseball team and that Spencer was the assistant coach. So, on opening day Dad and I drove to Madera for the festivities which included a carnival, games and the big game.Benson and Hannah were happy to attend a part of the carnival with grandpa and I while the others prepared for the game.
 Dad , Benson and Hannah watching the cake walk... which, by the way, we won right after this photo. We chose a pack of small cupcakes. YUM!
                       Taylor Ann... She is going to be 9 on her next birthday. My how time flies.
                                    These two have so much fun together and they are so cute!
                                           Mckay, Taylor and Maren ready to get going!
 I was so excited to get this in a photo. It is seldom that three children from one family are on the same team. Maren was so cute because she is the youngest on the team. It is not a highly competitive league, thus they allowed all to be on one team. She had no idea what was going on. Everyone in the stands got a kick out of her as she looked around the field, walked right into the runners space, and swung the bat long after the catcher had the ball. She had a great time but enjoyed the after game treat of chips and Capri sun the best! Taylor and Mckay did a great job. I am sure by the last games Maren caught on. Fun to see Spencer involved!
Sarah. Benson, Dad, Hannah and I after the game. Hannah took a nap in my arms. What a sweet baby she is. She looks a lot like Maren and Grandma Hyer. Beautiful blue eyes.

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